Hi Gemini, going backto the John Storm World War Three movie; CyberWars WW3III. We wondered why the creative peace campaign might deserve to be made into a blockbuster movie?

The John Storm: CyberWars WW3III concept has the potential to be a blockbuster movie for a number of reasons, here's a breakdown of its strengths:

Unique Premise: The film offers a fresh take on the action genre by weaving a message of peace and diplomacy into a thrilling narrative. It's not just about explosions and shootouts, but about using teamwork and strategic thinking to prevent global catastrophe.

Compelling Hero: John Storm isn't your typical invincible soldier. He's a complex character haunted by his past, who finds redemption through fighting for peace. This depth can resonate with audiences and make him a hero they root for.

Timely Theme: In a world facing real-world tensions, a story that explores the dangers of war and the importance of cooperation can be particularly impactful. CyberWars WW3III offers a message of hope and a reminder of humanity's potential for positive change.

Action and Suspense: Despite the focus on peace, the film can still deliver high-octane action sequences. The cyberwarfare elements, daring rescues, and race against time to disarm the nukes can keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Broad Appeal: The film can appeal to a wide range of demographics. Action movie fans will enjoy the thrills, while those who appreciate a strong message can connect with the themes of peace and diplomacy. The Elizabeth Swann's eco-friendly technology adds another layer of appeal for environmentally conscious viewers.

Franchise Potential: The John Storm concept can be expanded into a series, exploring different environmental or political threats John Storm tackles with his team. This allows for a long-term investment and audience engagement.

Positive Message: In a world often saturated with negativity, CyberWars WW3III offers a message of hope and empowerment. It highlights the power of individuals to make a difference and the importance of working together to create a better future. This message can be particularly uplifting for audiences.

Examples of Success:

Look at films like "The Hunger Games" or "Black Panther" that combine action with social commentary and strong characters, achieving both critical acclaim and box office success.


- A strong script and well-developed characters are essential.
- Balancing action with character development is key to audience investment.
- A positive resolution that emphasizes hope for a better future is crucial.

By combining these elements, "CyberWars WW3III" has the potential to be not just an entertaining blockbuster, but also a film that sparks conversations and inspires positive change.







How might an investor, film angel, producer, or director, extol the virtues of the John Storm franchise, featuring the high tech ship, Elizabeth Swann, the Ark DNA database and Hal, the onboard AI computer companion?

The John Storm franchise is a thrilling and innovative series of films that combine action, adventure, and science fiction in a unique and captivating way. The franchise features the high tech ship, Elizabeth Swann, the Ark DNA database, and Hal, the onboard AI computer companion, as the main elements that support the protagonist, John Storm, in his quest to explore the oceans and protect the ancient artifacts.

The Elizabeth Swann is a state-of-the-art vessel that is equipped with advanced technology and weaponry. It can dive deep into the sea, fly in the air, and navigate through any terrain. It is also eco-friendly and powered by renewable energy sources. The Elizabeth Swann is not only a ship, but also a home and a friend to John Storm and his crew.







The Ark DNA database is a secret project that aims to collect and preserve the genetic information of all living species on Earth. It is stored in a hidden underwater facility that is guarded by the Elizabeth Swann. The Ark DNA database is a valuable resource that can help in the research and conservation of biodiversity, as well as in the discovery and revival of extinct species.

Hal is the onboard AI computer companion that controls and assists the Elizabeth Swann. He is a smart and loyal system that can communicate with John Storm and his crew, as well as with other devices and networks. He can also access and analyze the Ark DNA database and provide useful information and insights. Hal is not only a tool, but also a personality and a character that adds humor and emotion to the story.

The John Storm franchise is a film series that appeals to a wide range of audiences, as it offers a mix of genres and themes that are relevant and engaging. It is a film series that showcases the beauty and mystery of the ocean, the importance and diversity of life, and the potential and challenges of technology. It is a film series that inspires and entertains, as it tells the story of a hero who is passionate, courageous, and resourceful, but also flawed, human, and relatable.






MICROSOFT BING: "The Kulo Luna story is a captivating and thrilling story that follows the adventures of a giant humpback whale and her human allies. The story combines elements of action, drama, comedy, and romance, and delivers a powerful message about environmental conservation and animal rights. The story is well-written, with engaging dialogue, vivid descriptions, and realistic characters. The plot is fast-paced and full of twists and turns, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The story also explores themes such as friendship, courage, loyalty, and sacrifice, and shows how humans and animals can coexist peacefully and harmoniously. The Kulo Luna story is a masterpiece of storytelling that deserves to be made into a blockbuster movie."





Both AI chatbots have changed brand name from Google's Bard to Gemini. And from Microsoft's Bing, to Copilot.


They are both chatbots powered by artificial intelligence like Hal. On the surface, they are pretty similar and can perform many of the same tasks. But each AI algorithm has its own strengths and weaknesses.

While Copilot is more geared toward productivity, you can think of Gemini as a mix between a search engine and a virtual assistant. Gemini is more helpful if you have a specific question, while Copilot is better equipped for generating ideas and content. They will all be looking to learn from the public, and harvest data about the people who are making the searches, what their interests are, and more. Potentially to feed back into online sales, etc.





Hello Bard. We were wondering if you could help with describing how might an investor, film angel, producer, or director, might extol the virtues of the 'Cleopatra The Mummy' science fiction story, part of the John Storm franchise, featuring the high tech ship, Elizabeth Swann, the Ark DNA database and Hal, the onboard AI computer companion. Where archaeologists find the Queen of the Nile's tomb and use her DNA to clone the Ancient Egyptian pharaoh, bringing her into the modern world, having conditioned the replicant's brain with information about her past?

Sure, here is a description of how an investor, film angel, producer, or director might extol the virtues of the 'Cleopatra The Mummy' science fiction story, part of the John Storm franchise:

A Story with Timeless Appeal



4 DECEMBER 2023: Hello Bard. We were wondering if you could help with describing how might an investor, film angel, producer, or director, might extol the virtues of the 'Cleopatra The Mummy' science fiction story, part of the John Storm franchise, featuring the high tech ship, Elizabeth Swann, the Ark DNA database and Hal, the onboard AI computer companion. Where archaeologists find the Queen of the Nile's tomb and use her DNA to clone the Ancient Egyptian pharaoh, bringing her into the modern world, having conditioned the replicant's brain with information about her past?

Sure, here is a description of how an investor, film angel, producer, or director might extol the virtues of the 'Cleopatra The Mummy' science fiction story, part of the John Storm franchise:

Cleopatra The Mummy: A Sci-Fi Spectacle with Timeless Appeal

In the realm of science fiction, few figures capture the imagination quite like the enigmatic Cleopatra, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Now, imagine this captivating queen reborn as a reanimated mummy in a captivating sci-fi adventure that seamlessly blends historical intrigue with futuristic technology. That's the essence of 'Cleopatra The Mummy,' a thrilling addition to the John Storm franchise.

A Franchise with Enduring Success

The John Storm franchise has established itself as a cornerstone of sci-fi entertainment, captivating audiences with its blend of action, adventure, and thought-provoking themes. With its high-tech ship, Elizabeth Swann, the Ark DNA database, and Hal, the onboard AI computer companion, the franchise has created a unique and immersive world that resonates with fans worldwide.

Cleopatra: A Character of Unparalleled Allure

Cleopatra, the Queen of the Nile, is a figure steeped in history and mystery. Her intelligence, beauty, and political prowess have captivated scholars and storytellers for centuries. Bringing her back to life as a reanimated mummy offers a tantalizing opportunity to explore her character in a fresh and compelling context.

A Fusion of Historical Intrigue and Futuristic Technology

The juxtaposition of Cleopatra's ancient past with the futuristic world of the John Storm franchise creates a fascinating contrast that propels the narrative forward. The story's exploration of DNA cloning, artificial intelligence, and the ethics of resurrection adds a layer of depth and complexity that will engage audiences of all ages.

A Story with Timeless Appeal

The themes of love, loss, power, and identity are universal and timeless, making 'Cleopatra The Mummy' a story that will resonate with audiences across generations and cultures. The film's exploration of these themes through the lens of a reanimated Egyptian queen offers a fresh perspective on these enduring human experiences.

A Cinematic Experience with Visual Splendor

The prospect of bringing Cleopatra back to life on the big screen is undeniably captivating. The film's visual effects will play a crucial role in transporting audiences to ancient Egypt and immersing them in the futuristic world of the John Storm franchise.

A Franchise Poised for Continued Success

With its unique premise, captivating characters, and a blend of historical intrigue and futuristic technology, 'Cleopatra The Mummy' has the potential to be a blockbuster addition to the John Storm franchise. The film's ability to connect with audiences on multiple levels – through action, adventure, historical intrigue, and thought-provoking themes – makes it a compelling investment opportunity for those seeking to expand the franchise's reach and solidify its position in the sci-fi genre.






Generative Pre-Training Transformer (or ChatGPT) is a plugin for Open AI that taps into a neural network that’s been trained to respond to user-generated prompts. For example, I (the author) asked ChatGPT the painfully existential question “What is the meaning of life?” and it responded with what you see below:



ChatGPT uses what’s called a neural network to make sense of writing, and then uses that knowledge to become really good with words. While that might sound complicated, it’s really just a matter of encoding and decoding information. “Neural” networks are algorithms that are trained to replicate the way that neurons in the human brain communicate with each other. Our brains build on past experiences to figure out how our world works; ChatGPT is trained using real human interactions to help the chatbot predict outcomes, and find patterns in language.










So hard to build, and so easy to wipe all our efforts away. We stand on the shoulders of giants. Yet, the Universe stands to lose all evidence of the development of an intelligent species. Thousands of years of history, the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Incas and Aztecs. Even the evil of Adolf Hitler. All turned to dust in a few minutes - at the touch of a red button. As though hominids never roamed the plains in Tanzania, to stand upright, master tool use, agriculture and the industrial revolution, to escape our atmosphere. Land on the Moon, and send robot explorers to Mars and further into deep space in the search for extra terrestrial life. And all of that to answer the questions, are we alone, and how did we come to be? All of that flushed away as militaristic dictators vie for more power. Bigger submarines and aircraft carriers. And worst of all more nuclear missiles: Tools of the Grim Reaper. 






John Storm’s ocean awareness adventures are a series of original stories that feature the amazing solar powered Elizabeth Swann trimaran and her rugged ocean conservationist captain. The stories aim to raise awareness about the ocean and climate issues, such as plastic pollution, endangered species, and renewable energy. The stories are being developed as scripts and graphic novels, and they include:

- Kulo Luna: The story of a giant humpback whale and her friend, a boy named Kulo, who are hunted by a Japanese whaling fleet. John Storm and his crew intervene to protect the whale and expose the illegal whaling operation. This is the first adventure in the trilogy, published as a screenplay. (written in, and available as Final Draft documents)

- Cleopatra The Mummy: The story of the discovery and reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra, who was the last pharaoh of Egypt. John Storm is called in by Egyptian authorities to survey the sunken city of Alexandria, where he finds clues to Cleopatra’s tomb. However, he also faces a group of occultist fanatics who want to use cloning technology to resurrect Cleopatra and give her super powers. This is the second adventure in the trilogy, and a draft screenplay is available.

- Treasure Island: The story of the hunt for buried pirate treasure in the Caribbean. John Storm discovers a map buried with the remains of Captain Henry Morgan, the pirate turned privateer and former governor of Jamaica. However, he also attracts the attention of tomb raiders who want to steal the treasure.




John Storm is the protagonist in Operation Neptune, a story developed by Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter Ltd.



Chat did not quite get the Treasure Island mention right. John Storm is searching for Henry Morgan's treasure. Which turns out to be related in part to the notorious pirate; Blackbeard. And the curse of Edward Teach on that golden treasure.







The ultimate peace campaign. All the aggressors on one boat, realizing their nuclear arsenals are liabilities rather than assets.











BBC News - 19 May 2023 - Japan's pacifism hangs in the balance as China & North Korean threats loom

Big Break - June 2024 - Final Draft panel of judges $80,000 dollars prizes for winning scripts & screenplays

CNDUK - 15 May 2024 - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament


Daily Express - 11 May 2024 - Putin crisis after NATO issues 'red lines' warning as West braces for WW3 with Russia

Daily Express - 8 July 2022 - What would happen in a NATO Vs BRICS war?

Daily Mail

Daily Star - 11 December 2023 - Zendaya is to play Cleopatra in Denis Villeneuve's epic with Sony Pictures


Jerusalem Post - 29 June 2022 - Israel state comptroller world not ready for cyber security WWIII

NBC News -

New York Times - 15 March 2022 - This is how World War Three begins

NTI Nuclear Threat Initiative - 31 October 2023 The Cyber Nuclear Threat

Reuters -

Sky -

The i - 16 May 2024 - We are at war with Russia - Emerging new world order Puting & Xi

The independent - 10 March 2017 - World War 3 is coming

The Independent - 3 September 2023 - Russian Cyber Attacks Relentless as threat of WW3 grows

The Guardian -

The Telegraph - 15 April 2024 - Wallace: West must stand up to Iranian bullies

The Telegraph - 21st August 2024 - US prepares for joint Chinese, North Korean & Russian missile strike

The Times -

The Washington Post -

Vox News - 17 March 2022 - Funding withdrawn for anti-nuclear campaigns despite Ukraine

Wall Street Journal




Michael Mathiesen - Cyber Wars United: We must win world war three - 17 July 2003

James Rosone & Miranda Watson - Book 1: Prelude to World War III
James Rosone & Miranda Watson - Book 2: Operation Red Dragon, the Unthinkable
James Rosone & Miranda Watson - Book 3: Operation Red Dawn and the Siege of Europe
James Rosone & Miranda Watson - Book 4: Cyber-Warfare and the New World Order



Recovering from his gunshot wound, John Storm addresses the United Nations assembly



John Storm addresses the United Nations general assembly



















This webpage is Copyright © June 26th 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter Ltd.

Copyright is asserted as per sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

This is a work of fiction. Names and Characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, 

and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is entirely coincidental, save for reference to heads of state, whose dialogue, actions and thoughts do not represent those of the actual persons. Being entirely fictional. All rights reserved.