AI COPILOT - Hal is the onboard AI system that serves as the brain and nervous system of the Elizabeth Swann, a solar and hydrogen-powered ship. This advanced AI is responsible for a wide range of functions, including: 1. Ship Systems Management: Hal oversees the operation of all onboard systems, from propulsion and navigation to energy management and environmental controls. 2. Human Interface: Hal interacts with the crew, providing information, responding to queries, and assisting with tasks. It acts as a central hub for communication and coordination. 3. Sensors and Systems: Hal is integrated with the ship's various sensors, including those for navigation, weather, and environmental monitoring. It processes and interprets this data to ensure the ship's safe and efficient operation.



AI COPILOT - Hal is the onboard AI system that serves as the brain and nervous system of the Elizabeth Swann, a solar and hydrogen-powered ship. This advanced AI is responsible for a wide range of functions, including:

1. Ship Systems Management: Hal oversees the operation of all onboard systems, from propulsion and navigation to energy management and environmental controls.


2. Human Interface: Hal interacts with the crew, providing information, responding to queries, and assisting with tasks. It acts as a central hub for communication and coordination.


3. Sensors and Systems: Hal is integrated with the ship's various sensors, including those for navigation, weather, and environmental monitoring. It processes and interprets this data to ensure the ship's safe and efficient operation.




Over a period of near twenty years of collecting, the "Ark" has become the world's largest DNA database, a near complete compilation of all life on Earth, that the biblical Noah would be proud of. Hence, a comprehensive "Time Capsule" that could be used in space exploration and colonization of other suitable planets, via the process known as terraforming.


John Storm's near obsession with collecting and converting DNA samples of flora and fauna, led him to amass the world's first and biggest complete digital database - including rare Neanderthal, Habilis, Australopithecus and other extinct species, such as the Wooly Mammoth. Long before his collection became famous, the Captain of the Elizabeth Swann realised that he would run out of storage space using conventional data backup techniques. He had to find a way of converting the DNA of his samples to genetic digital code. But his major breakthrough was an experiment to recreate the DNA from stored digital data, back to a biological sample that could be used to recreate the life from which it came.


As with many other great discoveries, John discovered the process by accident. He was so excited by his discovery, that at first he did not believe it. Thus, he repeated the experiment several times. For sure it worked each time. Very reliably. John did not explain where his DNA had come from, when he donated a sample to Professor Dr Victor Krafenstein, at the ETA university in Zurich, Switzerland. Asking him if it was possible to clone from the sample of reconstituted rabbit DNA. Which the Professor managed with ease using conventional cloning tech, producing a healthy brown animal. Then John sent another sample that had been genetically modified, producing a white rabbit. Professor Krafenstein was known to controversial and collaborative.


The professor realised that the DNA of each rabbit was virtually identical, hence had been altered. He asked John if it was possible to modify the DNA to produce a short eared rabbit. Sure enough John produced an almost identical DNA sample, that produced a short eared rabbit. The point here being the speed and precision of the alteration, that would normally have taken months or years. The professor was excited, begging John to share his technology, which of course he had to politely decline. Nevertheless, John and the Professor remained friends with a common cause.


This was amazing technology that John kept a secret, and swore the Professor to. The process could have been patented, but the conservationist did not trust corporations or governments to use it only for good. Nor did Dr Krafenstein. They recalled Einstein, Oppenheimer and nuclear fission - the Manhattan Project, and how that had translated into first, bombs, and then nuclear tipped ballistic missiles as a long range delivery system that could destroy the planet many times over in the hands of warmongering megalomaniacs. Meaning that nobody on earth was truly safe. Because, as it turned out, those maniacs exist in China, North Korea and Russia. And because of those threats, the USA, Europe, India and Pakistan all leaped into the fray as some kind of Freudian competition to outdo each other in the death dealing department.


When publishing a patent, you are disclosing the essentials of your innovation, for all the world to emulate. No way, thought John. Most innovators are ripped off by big business, who calculate to tie you up in litigation knots for around 10 years as a strategy to steal ideas from inventors. The famous case of Robert Kearns reminded him to avoid all such temptations.


With that in mind, John made it his mission in life to create a Time Capsule, that could be used to recreate life on other suitable planets by way of terraforming. The Time Capsule would need to be self-sewing, an autonomously activated robotic device that would germinate when it detected suitable environments. It was a way of saving life on earth, should climate change warm the planet sufficiently to boil the seas and make deserts of land, so extinguishing all human achievements.


NASA soon realised what John had, and along with the likes of DARPA and other similar agencies in other nations all over the world, they wanted a slice of the action for their space exploration projects. But John would not entertain such notions. Because of the inherent dangers when science is weaponised.




London, UK – A groundbreaking technological marvel aboard the Elizabeth Swann, known as the ARK, is poised to revolutionize medicine and biology. This massive DNA database, painstakingly curated by John Storm over his lifetime, holds a digital record of countless species from across the globe.

The ARK's digital interface allows for the generation or reconstruction of biological material based on the genetic code stored within. By harnessing the power of supercomputers, scientists can analyze and manipulate these genetic sequences, potentially leading to breakthroughs in various fields.

One promising application of the ARK lies in the realm of cancer treatment. By studying the genetic makeup of cancerous cells, researchers can identify specific mutations contributing to the disease. Using CRISPR technology, a gene-editing tool, scientists may be able to correct these mutations and potentially eliminate cancer cells.

Beyond cancer, the ARK could be used to enhance traits of various species. For example, by modifying the genetic code of crops, scientists might develop strains that are more resistant to pests, drought, or disease. Similarly, genetic engineering could be applied to livestock to improve their yield, health, or nutritional value.

The ARK's potential benefits extend far beyond Earth. As humanity ventures into space, this digital repository of genetic information could be invaluable for establishing self-sustaining colonies on other planets. By using the ARK to create artificial ecosystems and produce essential resources, future generations may be able to thrive in extraterrestrial environments.

The Elizabeth Swann's 'ARK' represents a significant leap forward in biotechnology. Its ability to store, analyze, and manipulate genetic information offers hope for addressing some of the world's most pressing challenges, from curing diseases to ensuring the survival of our species.









Let’s delve further into the fascinating world of the ARK - a DNA database like no other - aboard the solar-powered vessel, the Elizabeth Swann.


Collecting the Threads of Life

John Storm, a tireless amateur anthropologist and geneticist, has dedicated his life to assembling an unparalleled repository of genetic information. The ARK, residing securely within the Elizabeth Swann, houses this vast compendium of DNA samples. Storm’s journey began in his youth, and over the years, he meticulously gathered genetic material from every corner of our planet. His mission? To preserve the essence of life itself.

The Secure Vault

The ARK is no ordinary database. It’s a fortress against time, safeguarded against would-be thieves. Its encryption layers rival those of the most secretive intelligence agencies. Storm’s unwavering commitment ensures that this genetic treasure trove remains intact, immune to the ravages of entropy.

The Digital Interface: Unleashing Genetic Potential

But what sets the ARK apart is its digital interface. Imagine a virtual laboratory where the building blocks of life - the A, T, C, and G nucleotides - are manipulated with precision. Using supercomputers, Storm’s team can generate or reconstruct biological material, akin to assembling a complex jigsaw puzzle. The Genome code - the blueprint of life - is their canvas.

Editing the Code

Here lies the true marvel: the ability to edit the Genome. Bad code - mutations, disease-causing variants - can be excised. Imagine a world where cancer’s genetic triggers are snipped away, leaving healthy cells unscathed. The ARK’s CRISPR-based editing system wields molecular scissors, selectively altering genes to enhance traits or eradicate vulnerabilities.

A Medical Toolkit for the Future

The implications are staggering. The ARK could revolutionize medicine. Cancer treatments tailored to an individual’s unique genetic makeup. Crop enhancements that defy pests and climate extremes. But it doesn’t stop there. The ARK might be humanity’s ticket to the stars - a genetic payload for interstellar colonization. Imagine life on distant planets, seeded by the ARK’s carefully curated DNA.

Closing Thoughts

John Storm’s legacy transcends mere data. It’s the promise of a healthier, more resilient future. As the Elizabeth Swann sails through the cosmic sea, the ARK remains our beacon - a testament to human curiosity, resilience, and the boundless potential encoded within our genes.

Note: The Neo-Nazis’ interest in the ARK remains a curious subplot - one that underscores the database’s allure even among the most unlikely of seekers.

Disclaimer: The ARK, as described here, is a fictional construct. While real-world genetic research holds immense promise, we have yet to create such a comprehensive database aboard a solar-powered ship, or anywhere for that matter. 



Breaking News: Elizabeth Swann’s Cutting-Edge AI Technology Unveiled! By Jane Archer, Maritime Correspondent. London, August 21, 2044 — In a stunning revelation, the solar and hydrogen-powered vessel Elizabeth Swann has showcased its groundbreaking onboard AI system, Hal, which promises to revolutionize naval operations. As the world grapples with environmental challenges and geopolitical tensions, this technology could be a game-changer for peacekeeping missions. HAL'S MULTIFACETED CAPABILITIES 1. Situational Awareness Above and Below the Waves: - Underwater Sensors: Hal interfaces seamlessly with the ship’s advanced underwater sensors. It constructs a real-time, 3D map of the ocean floor, detecting anomalies, wrecks, and even potential hidden structures. - Radio and Satellite Decoding: Hal intercepts encrypted radio and satellite transmissions, providing critical intelligence. During Operation Neptune: Atlantis, it played a pivotal role in tracking the rogue submarine and uncovering the radioactive coolant leak.







The Elizabeth Swann is autonomously piloted by Captain Nemo, named after the Captain of the Nautilus in Jules Verne's classic: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. A stand alone unmanned navigation system.


The Swann is a virtual super-fortress, armed with Merlin, Excalibur and Pendragon air and water defense systems, and Hal AI™, the onboard supercomputer that ensures all threats to the safety of the trimaran ship are eliminated. And that includes cyber attacks as well as the use of force and weapons.


As an artificial intelligence, Hal was spellbound when John accidentally becomes a super-human when injected with a CRISPR virus in Manaus, while rescuing his friend Charley Temple from a group of scientists, who managed to clone Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh Queen of Ancient Egypt. Hal noted the increase in his Captain's strength and increased intelligence, that helped him to rescue Cleopatra from the CIA.
















Admiral Lawrence Francis Percival 

First Sealord, British Royal Navy

Antonio Guterres

United Nations' Secretary General

Ark, The

The world's most comprehensive interactive DNA database

Benjamin Reid Blakestone RN

Submariner Commander HMS Neptune (Captain)


A digital communication interface for the human brain

Captain Nemo AI™

AI autonomous navigation system, COLREGs compliant autopilot

Charley Temple

Researcher & camerwoman, good friend of John Storm

Cleopatra Philopator VII Reborn

Trish Lippard is Cleopatra's call sign to protect her royal identity

CyberCore Genetica

The world's smallest, fastest & most powerful supercomputer

Daniel (Dan) Hawk

Electronics & computers, champion gamer, member Elizabeth Swann crew

Dr Roberta Treadstone

Blue Shield, Newcastle University, England

Elizabeth Swann HMHS British Royal Navy

World's fastest solar/hydrogen ship & floating laboratory

Excalibur, Pendragon & Merlin

Anti piracy weapon & ship security system

George Franks

Legal and intelligence trust manager, Swindles & Gentry


The onboard AI supercomputer ship manager

Jack Mason

CIA secret agent who covets the CyberCore Genetica & John's strength

Jens Stoltenberg

Secretary General of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

Jill Bird

Senior BBC news correspondent & world service anchor

John Storm

Ocean adventurer, marine archaeologist, Commander RN & temp spy

King Charles III

British Monarch in waiting: King William, Prince of Wales

King William V

British royal rushed into hiding with Queen Catherine


Elizabeth Swann's onboard survey ROV

Professor Douglas Storm

John Storm's uncle, designer of Elizabeth Swann

Professor Jacques Pierre Daccord

UNESCO sunken realms division, conservationist

Queen Catherine

Royal consort to King William V - Charlotte, George & Louis

Richard Leon (Lionheart) Engelheart

Lieutenant, a brave submariner HMS Neptune

SSN Neptune

Stricken Astute nuclear sub with Spearfish torpedoes

Steve Green

Freelance reporter, friend of Charley Temple

Suki Hall

A marine biologist, admirer of John's work

Tom Hudson

Sky News Editor, always looking for an exclusive

William Liam Wallace

Scottish director BAE Systems, MOD contractor, whistleblower




Ali Khamenei

Iranian Grand Ayatollah

Asif Ali Zardari

Prime Minister of Pakistan

Chuck Kowalski

Midnight Sun - military Triad Cell lead (Americas)

Donald Trump

Former 45th President of the United States of America

Emmanuel Macron

French President

General Reza Shar

Red Dragon triad mastermind, of Operation Grand Slam

George W Bush

43rd US President, war on terror, invaded Iraq on fabricated reports

Giovanni Romano

Golden Cage - military Triad Cell lead (Europe)

Golden Cage (Giovanni Romano)

Military Triad Cell covering Europe, French, German & UK targets

Joe Biden

President USA (46th)

Harry (Dirty) Hallem Holland

Chief Constable - Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police)

Kamala Harris

47th President of the United States, Democrat candidate

Katya Volkov

Russian intelligence FSB double agent, would be defector

Keir Starmer

British Prime Minister

Kim Jong Un

Supreme leader North Korea

Marine Le Pen

French Prime Minister

Midnight Sun (Chuck Kowalski)

Military Triad Cell covering American and Canadian targets

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister of India

Nadia Petrova

Former KGB agent helping Katya and John anonymously

Nick (The Devil) Johnson MP

Corrupt UK Minister for Defence, oil investor

Olaf Scholz

German Chancellor

Red Dragon (Reza Shar)

Military Triad Cell covering Africa, Asia, Iran, Russia & N Korean CRINKs

Saddam Hussein

Iraqi proponent of a united Arabia, executed for HR crimes & cheap oil

Sir Rodney Vernon Dunbar

MI6 military intelligence (General) oil investor

Tim Waltz (Top Gun)

Governor of Minnesota, (Top Gun) running mate with Kamala Harris

Tony Blair

Former British PM, invaded Iraq on false intelligence

Vladimir Putin

Russian President

Xi Jinping

President People's Republic of China






















This website is Copyright © August 24th 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter Ltd.

Copyright is asserted as per sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. This is a work of fiction.

Names and Characters are the product of the authors' imaginations, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, 

is entirely coincidental, save for reference to heads of state, whose dialogue, 

actions and thoughts do not represent those of the actual persons portrayed.

Being entirely fictional, and a hypothetical - what if - political thriller. All rights reserved.